What the SSA Does

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  • Ensures consumer safety through the promotion of safe and responsible supply chain management
  • Promotes the use of herbs, seasonings and spices in a wide range of applications
  • Promotes the continuous improvement of standards across the industry


  • Advises members on current and proposed UK and EU legislation
  • Advises on interpretation of legal and technical issues
  • Advises suppliers to the UK trade on quality standards


  • Represents the industry at European Spice Association and International Meetings
  • Lobbies on behalf of the industry, both within the UK and in Europe
  • Represents the industry in answering media and public enquiries

Culinary Herbs & Spices

This list of Culinary Herbs and Spices is not comprehensive but covers the most frequently used herbs and spices in Europe.


The History of Spice

Herbs & spices have been directly responsible for advances in medical science and the development of international food tastes.
